First class physiotherapy care,
delivered in the comfort of your own home
Online Physiotherapy is an incredible way to connect with an expert Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist without leaving your home.
Our therapists are specifically trained in the area of virtual physiotherapy so you can be assured that are receiving the highest quality service by experienced clinicians.

Frequently Asked Questions about Online Physiotherapy
What injuries are appropriate for an online Physiotherapy Consultation?
Online Physio can be used for any condition. We most commonly help individuals with:
What makes our service really special special is that we also have the expertise of Melbourne's most established Exercise Physiology team under the same roof.
Their expertise in strength and conditioning, rehabilitation and management of chronic and complex health conditions with exercise is an incredible addition to our specialist skills in assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning.
Do I need a referral to have an online Physiotherapy Consultation?
The great news is that you don't need a referral and from April 14th 2020 you will also be able to claim through your private health insurance. If you have a referral from your doctor for physiotherapy we encourage you to email it to us to further enhance our assessment and treatment.
If you would like, we can also write to your GP or specialist advising them of your assessment findings and management plan and keep them updated throughout your treatment.
For sporting injuries we will also liaise with your coach to keep them updated on any movement restrictions and likely time to return to play.
We are happy to call or write to any member of your current health care team including personal trainers and keep your gym up to date about when you might expect to return from injury.
How can I be diagnosed online without having seeing someone in person?
We're glad you asked. Your physiotherapist will determine what the problem is by asking you key questions and assessing your movement. Our therapists are incredibly skilled at determining the key reasons for your pain or movement difficulties as well as why you are dizzy or losing your balance.
Can I be treated by somebody over the internet?
For many that are accustomed to face to face consults, the thought of talking and being assessed across a mobile device or computer will at first sound confusing. The good news is that we are really experienced at coaching you through the process and have a lot of fun helping you work out which way to hold your phone or advise you on the best way to set up your computer.
Our clients tell us just how simple the whole process it (especially those that started out skeptical).
You will asked to move in particular ways to assess what you can do and we will talk to you about what you find difficult. We will guide you how do things like self massage, trigger point therapy and position your body for stretches in a way that you will feel like someone is doing the work for you.
How can I be diagnosed online without having seeing someone in person?
We're glad you asked. Your physiotherapist will determine what the problem is by asking you key questions and assessing your movement. Our therapists are incredibly skilled at determining the key reasons for your pain or movement difficulties as well as why you are dizzy or losing your balance.
How do we communicate online?
Your therapist will ask you some guiding questions and you will simply answer those questions adding extra detail where you feel is helpful. You don't need any special equipment other than a smartphone, computer or tablet with a camera.
Filling in our pre registration form will also help us to understand leading into your consultation what your main needs will be to better determine the focus from the outset.
What do I need to have prepared for my online Physical Therapy consultation?
Preparation is key and as such we request that you help us to help you by doing the following:
- Follow your invitation link and be online ready to go 5 mins prior to your designated appointment time
- Ensure that you are wearing loose clothing and that your site of injury can be exposed. For example if you have a knee injury wear loose pants that can be rolled up above your knee or a pair of shorts
- Complete your registration form and have it emailed back soon as you receive it if possible to help us set your file and ensure that we have all of the relevant details to help you best (we are currently updating this form and will have it available again very soon - in the interim, it's fine to skip this step).